A quick look at what's going on with the Duff clan

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Location: Akron, OH, United States
Hi, welcome to the Duff family blog. Here you will find updates on the goings on in the Duff home updated on a semi-regular basis. For all pictures you can see a much larger version by just clicking on the pictures.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Osinga Wedding pictures

Sunday, July 25, 2010

More fun in Michigan

Our first evening on the lake.
Gracie at Sleeping Bear Dunes
Gracie enjoys some time in Duck Lake.
Smores in the back yard with Grandpa and Grandma
Grandpa and Anna take a trip in the canoe
Elijah floating on the lake
Many hours were spent by the kids jumping on the floaters. The water was about neck deep on Graham here but that didn't bother them at all.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Playing on the sand dunes

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Michigan Trip 2010 Part II - water fun

Monday, July 19, 2010

Michigan Trip 2010 Part I

We arrived at the house on Duck Lake by 4:30 on Monday. Just time to settle in and go out and get some groceries. We grilled hotdogs on the gas grill in the back. The kids jumped right in the lake and are looking forward to getting the boats and floaters out tomorrow.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Elijah has a broken collar bone

He doesn't look like he is hurting here but two days ago Graham fell on Elijah. Since then he hasn't used his left arm and really has been very resistant to anyone lifting his arm. We took him for x-rays today and sure enough his collar bone was clearly broken. I got to show him the x-rays and he could see the broken bone. Fortunately it is a clean break and is still lined up so he just has to take it easy for a few weeks and wear this sling some if he isn't comfortable.
Elijah has been having a tough time. A week ago he got hit in the face with a soccer ball. Here Grace is sitting with him in bed. She must have sat there 20 minutes consoling him while he cried.

New addition to family

The new kitten has arrived. Another calico cat but this one has 7 claws on each of her front paws. She has just begun to roam the house a bit after spending the first week in Anna's bedroom

Friday, April 30, 2010

The Girls

Ohio Elementary Chess Tournament

I took Andrew to the Ohio elementary chess championship tournament last Saturday in Columbus. He and Graham have been participating in chess club at school this spring. I entered Andrew in the novice 4th-6th grade section so we could find out what a chess tournament was like. The picture above is the cafeteria at a high school near Columbus OH. There were over 400 kids K-6 and probably 150 or so parents and chess mentors in this room.
Text Color
At 10AM the matches were posted. Andrew found his name on the list which told him what chess board (in this case #181) and color he was for the first game. After all the kids were in the gymnasium at their boards all parents had to return to the cafeteria and wait. Gradually kids would come back to the cafeteria either happy or sad.

There were over 200 chess boards set up. Quite a sight!
Everyone played five games. Here is Andrew ready for the next game. Andrew lost his first game but then won his second. In all he won 2 of the five games he was in. His school came in fourth place as a team. Andrews games didn't count for the team because he was in the novice section. Next year he will be in the rated section and be part of the team. I got to play several games with the chess club leader while we hung out waiting for the kids to finish their games. In all we were there for about 8 hours.