A quick look at what's going on with the Duff clan

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Location: Akron, OH, United States
Hi, welcome to the Duff family blog. Here you will find updates on the goings on in the Duff home updated on a semi-regular basis. For all pictures you can see a much larger version by just clicking on the pictures.

Monday, May 28, 2007

A ballgame on Memorial Day

The game that almost wasn't -
I had gotten coupons for free tickets and we arrived 30 minutes early for the Akron Aeoros game on Monday afternoon to find out that so many coupons had already been redeemed that there was only standing room tickets left. Well, with four kids including a 1 1/2 year old SRO isn't exactly an option. This much disappointment we turned and headed back to the car (I was saying how thankful I was that we didn't pay $5 to park and had walked the extra block). As we headed out a man asked if we needed tickets and said he couldn't use his and so he gave us his four tickets. I got two SRO tickets to go with those and we were in. Turns out the tickets were right behind the plate (not that there are any really bad seats but it was great to be were we were).

Piano Recital - Spring 2007

Andrew takes a bow after finishing his three songs.
Anna plays "The Entertainer" for one of her recital pieces.

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Anna as the Old Woman in the play Robin Hood

A couple of pictures of Anna in here school play on the last day of school. Anna was the Old Woman from an adaption of Robin Hood. She was really good and had a lot of fun being the only person that had to alter her voice. She got a lot of laughs for her old woman voice.

The Boys

I took this picture of the boys just before Anna's "End of the year celebration"

Monday, May 07, 2007

A sure sign of spring

When the feet look like this you know it is spring time and the kids are now playing in the back yard.

Kitchen Transformation II

New light green (Celery) trim around the top of the kitchen. Here the rest of the cabinet doors have been removed and I'm starting to paint with the white primer. I have since painted all of these with a darker green inside and am ready to do the enamel white of the outer parts.

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

The New Hairdo!

Wow, check out the hot new hairdo! What's next purple spikes?