A quick look at what's going on with the Duff clan

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Location: Akron, OH, United States
Hi, welcome to the Duff family blog. Here you will find updates on the goings on in the Duff home updated on a semi-regular basis. For all pictures you can see a much larger version by just clicking on the pictures.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Dad's 70th Birthday

On Friday, March 20th we celebrated Dad's 70th birthday. All of his kids , their spouses (including Greg who was able to get away from the farm) and all the grandchildren (11 + 1 yet to be born) met at our house for the day. In the morning we had a photographer come in to take pictures of the whole family. The pictures below were taken during that time but are not the pictures that the photographer took. Here is dad opening one of the many many birthday cards he received. It was a good time to sit around and here him talk about old and recent friends as he opened and read cards to us.
Graham and Elijah Duff
This was supposed to be a picture of the girls but Elijah wanted to be in every picture
Mom and Dad with all the grandchildren. This was taken as we we prepared to have them all taken by the photographer.
Joel and the boys (Andrew, Elijah in the middle, and Graham)
Keith and his boys (Caleb and Jonathan)
John Osinga
Jennifer and Keith

Reading cards in the living room
The food spread
The boys eating in the dining room

Sunday, March 09, 2008

More Snow Pictures from the March 8th Snowstorm

Looking out of the front window Sunday morning.
The area had anywhere from 14 to 20 inches of snow. I figure we were in the 15 inch range.

Between the house and the fence along the side the wind whipped up this huge snowbank.

Saturday, March 08, 2008

March 8th Snow Storm

The big snow storm brought us plenty of snow. I took these pictures on Saturday morning when we probably only had about 7-8 inches of snow. Officially 14.5 inches of snow was recorded at the Akron airport but we have almost certainly had more than that since we are to the northwest of the airport and have been under the heavier snow more of the day. I spent an hour digging out the end of the driveway from where the plows had piled up the snow at least three feet deep. I manages to get to the supermarket and gets some food later this afternoon but it was really tough just getting there and back. It took me 50 minutes to get home form yesterday afternoon only a couple of hours after the snow started to fall.