A quick look at what's going on with the Duff clan

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Location: Akron, OH, United States
Hi, welcome to the Duff family blog. Here you will find updates on the goings on in the Duff home updated on a semi-regular basis. For all pictures you can see a much larger version by just clicking on the pictures.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

I'm not always perfectly happy

Gracie: Since I had the jaundice thing too long I had to go on formula for a little while. The problem with that is that I have to wait for the stuff to warm up and I've not learned a whole lot of patience yet.

More smiles from Elijah

I just can't help but put up pictures of Elijah. He is so easy to take pictures of because he loves to smile.

Gracie is growing up - 1 month

She is starting to get a bit pudgy. She is now at 12 lbs at one month so she has been putting on the weight.

Close examination of a tailpipe

Apparently Elijah thought it would be fun to blow in the tailpipe of Daddy's car. He didn't much care for the taste of the soot but he did enjoy the the smudges.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Assorted Margaret Grace Pictures

Just a good shot of Elijah and Grandpa O that I needed to stick somewhere.

Margaret Grace Duff - Baptisim July 13 2008

The Wilson and Duff kids after morning service when Grace was baptized.

Graham loses the second tooth

Graham and Elijah on the floor . If you look closely you can see that Graham appears to have one top tooth in the center of his mouth.Moments later after roughhousing on the floor, Elijah hit Graham in the mouth resulting in an even looser tooth.
The following morning the tooth fell out while eating cereal.

Tuesday, July 01, 2008

More baby Grace pictures